
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 3, Veggie List & Ideas

Pickled Tomatoes and Dilly Green Beans from LEF Winter Share
Preserved foods left over from CSA winter share
It's Week 3 of our 2011 CSA farm share and we're more or less keeping up with the veggies. Except for a few. We have some leftover radicchio, onions and leeks. We’re getting more of each of these this week, so it's time to commit to working with these foods so we'll eat them. I bought some potatoes last week at the Watsonville Farmers Market where I was playing music. The potato leek soup I was envisioning at the time didn’t get made (I used the leeks in a stir fry with bok choy) so this week we’re definitely on for the soup.

We still have some pickled tomatoes and dilly beans in jars from our winter share, and will be using these in salads with fresh local ingredients. And how excitedly we await tasting the first LEF strawberries of the year!

This week’s veggies:

Green garlic
Meyer lemons
Dry onions

Leftovers: radicchio, onions, 1 leek, potatoes (from Farmer’s Market), red bell pepper (from store), turkey


Raw: strawberries and more strawberries! Maybe with a touch of whipped cream.

Salad: lettuce, red bell pepper, pickled tomatoes and dilly beans from winter farm share, radicchio, watercress

Simply steam: chard, broccolini

Steam with sauce: artichokes with lemon sauce

Simply baked turnips or Honey-Kissed Baby Turnips & Greens

Potato Leek Soup

Green Garlic Chicken with canned tomatoes from winter CSA share?

Weight Watchers Lemon pie (topped with strawberries?)

Chinese Chicken with Black Beans & Watercress?

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