
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Quick Asia-Inspired Salad

Asian Salad Plated
Quick, Easy, Healthful Salad

Recipe by Robin

During the process of cleaning out my deceased father's house, preparing simple and healthful recipes is best practice. I invented this recipe during another busy and stressful time when we had few fresh vegetables. Keeping some water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, mandarin oranges, canned pineapple, canned tomatoes, and sesame seeds on hand expands your food possibilities when time is short. And we love the light Newman's Own Lighten Up salad dressings: the taste, the low calories, and Newman's business practice of donating 100% of royalties and after-tax profits to charity. You may cut this recipe in half, and use the extra half-can of water chestnuts in a stir-fry with other veggies.

Dad's Garden without Dad
Quick Asia-Inspired Salad
serves 6 - 8

~ 2 lb Napa cabbage
~ 1/2 lb carrots
8 oz water chestnuts (1 can)
11 oz mandarin oranges (2 cans)
1/2 c Newman's Own Lighten Up Sesame Ginger salad dressing
2 T sesame seeds

Cut Napa cabbage into quarters lengthwise and remove the core. Make thin crosswise slices. Scrub and trim carrots. Make thin slices or shred. Drain water chestnuts. Toss together cabbage, carrots, and water chestnuts.

Drain mandarin oranges. Mix into salad, being careful not to break up the delicate orange segments. Add dressing and sesame seeds and toss.

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