
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 5, Menu Plan

Giant Bunch of Chard is Bigger than Basket
Another Huge Bunch of Live Earth Farm Chard

Featuring fava beans, sugar snap peas, cabbages & strawberries

I’m feeling rather under the weather today, so my menus will be simple this week. I’m sautéing the mushrooms tonight rather than saving them for the stuffed sole dish, because mushrooms boost the immune system and I need that asap. The fava beans look pretty big for this time of year, maybe too big to use as planned. Bruce is the chef for the Chinese Chicken Salad. It looks like an experimental and loosely planned week ahead.

I will be playing music both Friday afternoon and Saturday night, so menu plan takes that into account. If you’re at the Watsonville Farmers Market on Friday, or in downtown Santa Cruz on Saturday night (in front of O’Neill’s), c’mon by and say hi.

Veggie burgers
Steamed chard

Steamed broccolini
Mushrooms sautéed with onion and green garlic
Sugar snap peas with mint

Dinner out

Leftover Chicken with Black Beans or turkey burgers
Leftover veggies

Chinese chicken salad (from cookbook TBD)
Lemon braised fava beans, or other fava recipe
Lunch: Leftover Chicken with Black Beans or turkey burgers

Protein TBD
Lunch: Leftover Chinese chicken salad

More protein TBD
Honeyed carrots

Veggie burgers
Next week’s veggies

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