
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 6 Veggie List & Ideas

Frying Pan with Onions and Garlic, and Olive Oil Bottle
Another Round of Pasta a l'Olio Likely This Week!
Week 6 of our CSA farm share and we’re getting more spring onions and green garlic, no surprise at this time of year. Sounds like another week for Pasta a l’Olio, possibly adding the oyster mushrooms we’re getting. A few sundried tomatoes would be another tasty addition.

More fava beans, broccolini, sugar snap peas and watercress.  Does anyone have a new idea for watercress? I only have one watercress recipe, and the watercress is more of an accompaniment than an ingredient. Any watercress recipes out there?

This week’s veggies:

Fava beans
Green garlic
Kale (Red Russian or Lacinato)
Lettuce (romaine or bibb)
Bunching onions (scallions)
Fresh "green" onions (red or yellow)
Oyster mushrooms
Sugar snap peas

Leftovers: green garlic, scallions, Napa cabbage, apples, Rolled Sole with Oyster Mushrooms, lettuce, braised carrots & turnips.


Salad: lettuce, carrot, cabbage, watercress, scallions, pickled tomatoes from winter share

Simply steam: broccolini, cauliflower

Braised Fava Beans with Lemon, or experiment with new fava recipe

Coleslaw with Napa cabbage, or Chinese chicken salad

Baked apples (in convection oven)

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