
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 10 Veggie List & Ideas

Three Double Purple Carrots with Greens
Double Purple Carrots from Last Week's Share
We’re already 10 weeks into our 2011 CSA share, and though it has been a cold and rainy spring here on the central California coast, the strawberries are prolific and delicious. We are still getting green garlic (often drying by this time of year) and springtime bunching onions. We still have radicchio left over from last week, so I’m tempted to leave this week’s radicchio ration in the “free to another member” box at the farm share pick-up site.

We’re going to a potluck on Saturday, and I’d love to come up with a veggie recipe using our share. Others are bringing plenty of carbs, so perhaps I’ll make some sort of cabbage salad (someone else is making green salad) along with a plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries.

This week’s veggies:

Red beets
Green cabbage
Green garlic
Mei qing choi
Bunching onions (scallions)

Leftovers: Purple cabbage, lots of lettuce, radicchio, onions.


Salad: lettuce, radish, radicchio, cabbage scallions, pickled green beans and tomatoes from winter share, cherry tomatoes from store

Simply steam: broccoli, spinach, broccoli, chard, cabbage?

Purple and green cabbage salad? (need a recipe or inspiration!)

Mixed greens sautéed with green garlic and scallions (could be a potluck dish)

Polish beets with steamed beet greens

Chocolate-dipped strawberries!

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