
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week 14 Veggie List & Ideas

Green and Yellow Apricots in Green Foliage
Apricots on Our Tree
The weather is really warming up on the central CA coast at last, and this week we’ll enjoy the first of the green beans, my husband’s favorite veggie. Along with our standard farm share, we also subscribe to a fruit share. We’ve been enjoying many weeks of scrumptious strawberries, and now we’ll also be getting raspberries and Santa Rosa plums. I love the fruit at this time of year, and I’m wondering when we’ll get some apricots. Our tree (yes, the one that collapsed on the house in May) is listing at a 45-degree angle. Bruce trimmed it away from the house, and miraculously its little green apricots are getting bigger and yellower every day. If only I can beat the squirrels and jays, I’ll be able to harvest soon.

This week’s veggies:

Asian greens (Tatsoi)
Green beans
Baby leeks
Summer squash or cucumbers
Raspberries, plums

Leftovers: Sauteed radishes with their greens, Braised greens, lettuce, carrots, radicchio, onions, garlic, lemon hummus, mini-peppers and tomatoes from the store, cilantro


Salad: lettuce, carrot, radicchio, radish, cherry tomatoes & mini-peppers from store

Simply steam: green beans, summer squash

Vegan potato-leek soup

Braised mixed greens (kale & tatsoi) ,  Tuscan-style garlic spinach & arugula

Mom’s cucumber pickles

Honeyed or sweet/sour carrots

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