
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 18 Veggie List & Ideas

Two Apricots in Hand with Leaning Tree in Background
Last of the Apricot Harvest from our Leaning Tree
It’s that bountiful time of year again, the middle-of-summer harvest. We still have plenty of leftovers from last week. With more veggies on the way, we’ll have to be extra-careful about what my friend Barbara calls “refrigerator maintenance,” the art and science of eating and/or preparing all the fresh foods in the fridge before they go bad.  Wasting not it what this blog is all about!

While I was disappointed to see both arugula and radicchio this week (since my repertoire for preparing them is very limited), at least we have some spinach too. Spinach and arugula combine beautifully in any cooked dish I’ve tried. Their texture is similar, and the arugula mellows out when it’s cooked. First of the cucumbers means it’s time to try Mom’s fast dill pickles again! Padron peppers sound intriguing, but what to prepare them with?

This week’s veggies:

Pickling cucumbers
Green beans
Japanese white turnips
Asian stir-fry mix (tatsoi/mizuna)
Padron peppers

Leftovers:  bean casserole, radishes & greens, celery, green onion, parsley, carrots (orange & purple), baked chicken, beet soup, potatoes, tomatoes, leeks & green onions, purslane soup


Salad: lettuce, carrot, radish, tomatoes

Simply steam: green beans, greens

Honey-kissed Baby Turnips with Greens (the #1 hit of this whole blog!)

Blackberry Cobbler (from self-gathered fruit)

Pesto with Salmon or tomatoes and pasta?

Toasted carrots (with wheat germ)

Carrot pancakes

Borscht take 2, with celery, carrot, vinegar?

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