
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week 32 Veggie List & Menu

Three Small and One Large Butternut Squash
A Bounty of Butternuts
For days I’ve been making varieties of herbed tomato soup (see bottom of linked page).  With a dozen or two tomatoes left from this season, I’d like to do something special, perhaps a small batch of homemade catsup or just an all-tomato salad. On to the fall veggies: plenty of greens, more cabbage and beets, Brussels sprouts, leeks, onions, potatoes, and winter squash.

11/11/11 is coming this week, a palindromic date that occurs once every 100 years. In numerology, 11 can represent a channel to the subconscious, a doorway to the inner self. Some also say that 11:11 is the symbol of spirit guardians, a group of 1111 celestial beings who look after us earthlings. Perhaps I’ll have an amazing insight, or get zapped by a celestial do-gooder, at 11:11:11 on 11/11/11. Or, maybe I will just have some fun appreciating the number and our lucky space in time.

I’m going to have a second try at recreating my (long deceased) Gram’s applesauce cake this week—I overcooked last week’s batch and it was a little tough to cut (hungry musicians enjoyed it at the potluck anyway). I’d like to try more apple syrup, since we got apple juice in our CSA share, and perhaps roast some root veggies with it. Three small butternut squash are perfect candidates for microwaving. First of the season’s Brussels sprouts are harbingers of winter. But can you believe we got one last basket of strawberries (a bit pale, but strawberries nonetheless)? Live Earth Farm, you are awesome in the true sense of the word!

This week’s veggies:

Gala apples (lots)
Beet greens
Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage (large green)
Collard greens
Green beans
Yellow Finn potatoes
Butternut squash
Apple Juice

Leftovers: leeks, rutabagas, beets, large cabbage, cranberry-orange relish, roast turkey thighs, carrots, tomatoes, 1 hot pepper, applesauce, cranberries, butternut squash, herbed tomato soup, oregano, basil

leftover roast turkey
steamed green beans
leftover herbed tomato soup with hot peppers

leftover roast turkey
steamed Brussels sprouts
make applesauce cake

veggie burgers
strawberry crisp?

Lunch: catered after Holt’s urn-filling ceremony
steamed beet greens

tacos or veggie burgers

roast turkey thighs
cider-glazed roasted root veggies
cranberry-orange relish

beet & cabbage borscht
leftover turkey and veggies


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