
Sunday, May 12, 2013

May Veggies and Recipes

Pink Heritage Rose
Old English Rose in our Garden

May Flowers Despite Few Showers

May is skipping by, and I’ve not yet posted May’s in-season veggies and favorite recipes. I blame both the balmy weather and the intensive gardening projects that seem happen every May. This year has been particularly hot and dry, perfect for planting tomatoes, peppers, and sunflowers. Longer days make it easier to find time to garden, and easier to become overly ambitious in the number of plants to be added to the garden. With weather so beautiful, though, I’m probably not the only one who’s choosing to putter in the yard rather than plan in the kitchen.

Peace Rose
Beautiful, Edible Roses
Still, hubby Bruce and I have been saying we’ll plan some menus for more than a week. Our bountiful CSA harvest has filled our fridge with green garlic, lettuce, pak choi and other cooking greens, and strawberries. As creative as Bruce is about making a spontaneous stir-fry, it’s time to do a bit of planning. Even  a spontaneous stir-fry requires plenty of chopping time. Enjoy your month!

Red Rose and Bud
Favorite Flowers of May
May Veggies & Fruits

Greens: bok choy, mei qing choi, tatsoi, mizuna
Oyster mushrooms (cultivated year round)
Radishes (beginning of season)

Peace Rose and Red Roses
I'm a Bit Rose-Crazy

Favorite & New May Recipes

Spring Chicken with Peas & Dill, courtesy Jodi’s Kitchen & Home
Red Rugosa Roses
From Our Dear Friend Joy
Spring Veggie Stir-fry
Strawberry Mojito or Nojito
Meyer Lemonade

Hope You Enjoyed the Rose Garden Tour

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