
Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Mini Winter Squash from my Garden

Giving Thanks and Menu Ideas

Regardless of how you feel about the upcoming holidays, giving thanks can inspire you to be happier. If you’re eagerly anticipating spending time with loved ones indulging in holiday rituals, appreciating this makes you feel even more blessed. If you’re feeling stressed about getting things done and how guests will get along, taking some time to appreciate the good aspects of your life and your to-do list will help you feel more relaxed and level-headed. In fact, you just might decide to trim down those obligations—or your guest list. Get a jump on Thanksgiving by giving some thanks now.

Calendula Blossom among Dried Husks of Seed Pods
New Life from Old Seed Pods
One quick way to give thanks is making a mental list of “10 Good Things” about any topic. Start with something that you really love. It could be your work, your home, your spouse, your children, your garden, your best friend. Keep counting if you think of more than 10. Make mental lists for two or three “positive” topics first, to pump up your happiness quotient. Then tackle something like “10 Good Things about My Holiday To-do List.” Try writing these down so you’ll remember them as the season progresses. You’ll discover the things on your list that give you the most pleasure. Maximize your joy by concentrating on those. Consider eliminating or delegating what doesn’t feel as good.

Small Violets in Greenery
First Violet of the Cool-Weather Season
Speaking of appreciation, I’d like to thank all of you who participate in Seasonal Eating by reading, following, and commenting. Like the proverbial tree falling in the woods, unless a blog post is experienced by people like you, it has little impact. Thanks for tuning in. I hope that my menu and gardening ideas inspire you to create your own version of seasonal eating, in whatever ways seem best to you. Wishing you a joyous and peaceful holiday season.

Pink rose with butterfly
November Rose: Closeup Below
Thanksgiving Menu Ideas

DIY Pumpkin Puree for Pie Filling
Persimmon Cake Roll

Plum Branches with a few Red-Gold Leaves and Bright blue sky
Fruitful Plum Tree Taking a Break

Gift from Deceased Friend Gracing Me with Late Bloom

Pink rose with Golden butterfly
Cold Butterfly Stuck in Rosey Heaven Till the Sun Shines

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