
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Pesto, Kale, and Mushroom Spaghetti Squash

Bowl of Pesto, Kale, and Mushroom Spaghetti Squash
Italian Style Spaghetti Squash

Recipe Adapted from

It’s spring! Though spring officially arrives today, it will be a month or more before we start seeing local spring veggies. In the meantime, using up last year’s harvest of winter squash is prudent, but boring. But with just a little bit of cheating—making a winter pesto with imported basil leaves or buying premade pesto at the market—last year’s spaghetti squash is elevated to Italianesque loveliness. Combined with in-season kale, onions, and mushrooms, plus a dose of Parmesan, garlic, and red pepper, this spaghetti squash awakens even the most jaded of winter palates.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pumpkin Flan (Flan de Calabaza)

Slice of Pumpkin Flan with Whipped cream
Smooth, Refreshing Pumpkin Flan

Recipe adapted from and CubanFoodMarket

It’s almost spring, and time to use up the last of the pumpkins and winter squash from last fall’s harvest. But pumpkin pies and breads seem wildly inappropriate for the season. To the rescue: Cuban flan de calabaza, roughly translated as pumpkin flan. Flan came to Cuba via Europe. In the Middle Ages flans were popular throughout Europe during Lent, when meat wasn't eaten. Flan's eggs and milk provided protein to the faithful. So what could be a more seasonally appropriate use for pumpkin in March?