
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Pumpkin Soufflé or Winter Squash Soufflé

Slice of pumpkin souffle with orange slice
Brilliant Use of Leftover Pumpkin

Recipe from The Classic Zucchini Cookbook

For the past year I’ve been obsessed with soufflés. After the classic cheese soufflé, the golden delicious apple soufflé, and my recently posted acorn squash soufflé, I have one more recipe to explore, this time with leftover Winter Luxury pumpkin from Argentine beef stew in a pumpkin, pureed and frozen.  Any kind of cooked, pureed winter squash, or even canned pumpkin, will suit the recipe. It’s that late winter/early spring time of year, when I’m using up the rest of the winter squashes from last year’s farmers’ markets. Alas, I’m recycling the same old soup and baked squash recipes. This recipe can the antidote to baked squash ennui.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Gluten-free Flaxseed Crackers

Good with a Schmear

Recipe inspired by Bob’s Red Mill & How Not to Die

It’s Lent, the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter, according to the Christian calendar. The word derives from the Anglo Saxon lencten, meaning spring. Symbolic of the time Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for his ministry, it’s a time for reflection and purification as the seasons change from winter to spring. When I was growing up, kids were encouraged to “give up (name of rich food) for Lent,” a feat at which I never really succeeded. Deprivation just isn’t my thing, but I offer these gluten-free, keto-friendly, high fiber crackers as a crunchy substitute for buttery high carb desserts, for whenever the urge for purification strikes.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

New Orleans Bread Pudding with Bourbon Sauce

Square of Bread Pudding topped with Bourbon Sauce
Bread and Bourbon Classic

Recipe by Susie M.

Absolutely the best ever. Even the exquisite Commander’s Palace and Brennan’s restaurants can’t compete in the bread pudding arena. My Auntie Ann’s concoction comes close, but lacks the New Orleans bourbon sauce. My friend Susie brings this pudding to an annual New Years’ Day party and it always disappears quickly, despite numerous dessert contributions and large amounts of seafood stew. When I inquired, she said that the recipe is from a New Orleans greeting card that she purchased years ago, and generously shared a photocopy. It’s a perfect treat for Mardi Gras—next Tuesday, March 6 this year.