
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Scalloped Summer Squash Casserole

side view of scalloped summer squash
Layers of Gorgeous Squash

Recipe by Robin

Several years and one house ago I mentioned to my gardening neighbor Dana that I love summer squash. Lo and behold, a few weeks later my front steps were covered with bags. When I looked inside I couldn’t believe the number of crooknecks, zucchini, different colored/sized pattypans, and yellow-green squashes. So I made up this casserole to cook down the huge quantities, especially the flying saucer-shaped pattypans, which didn’t look pleasing on their own no matter how I’d cut them.

Top view of Scalloped Summer Squash Casserole
Summer and Early Fall Bounty
As I hinted, you can use any kind of summer squash for this casserole. It’s fun to layer 2 - 4 different kinds and colors in the 4 layers. For my original recipe I used pattypans of two colors, zucchini, and crookneck. This year I used hybrid greens and yellows in alternating layers. And, if you’re overloaded with a garden of one squash variety, feel free to layer up 4 of the same. You can also use any kind of milk: cows’, soy, almond, etc. And use any amount of cheese from ¼ - ½ cup (4 – 8 tbsp., I used 6 tbsp. in the photos.)

Note that the amount of milk needed quite a bit less than for scalloped potatoes. That’s because squash contains a lot of water compared with potatoes. The key is to cover while baking so the squash steams itself to doneness while releasing its own yummy liquid. Too much milk will make the finished dish too soggy. Also key is slicing the squash super-thin. Use a mandolin or food processor for perfect casserole texture.

It’s shelter-in-place October already! Enjoy the last of your summer squash harvest in this simple recipe.

Top view of Baked Casserole
Layered to Perfection
Scalloped Summer Squash
serves 8 – 12

  • 2½ lbs. summer squash, 2-4 varieties
  • ½ bunch green onions
  • Cooking spray or butter
  • ½ tsp. salt, divided
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 4 – 8 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • ¼ cup almond or other milk

Thinly slice squash (about 4 mm), keeping different varieties separate. Chop green onions finely—you will have about 2 tbsp.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray or butter a 9” x 13” casserole dish.

Make 4 layers of squash in casserole dish as follows—noting that lower layers are a good place to hide any odd-looking slices:

Layer #1: First squash variety, topped with about 1/3 of the onions.

Layer #2: Second squash variety, topped with about 1/3 of the onions, half of the salt, and 2 tbsp. of the cheese.

Layer #3: First (or Third) squash variety, topped with remaining onions.

Layer #4: Second (or Fourth) squash variety, topped with paprika, remaining salt, and remaining cheese. Dot with butter.

Pour milk gently into casserole.

Cover casserole with lid or foil. Place in preheated oven and bake for 20 – 25 minutes, until squash is tender.

Remove lid or foil and place under broiler, till cheese is bubbly and as brown as you like it, about 1 – 2 minutes.

Cool slightly and serve. Any leftovers are delicious for several days.

Layer of yellow squash with odd slices
Bottom Layer: Hide Odd-Looking Slices

Layer of Green squash with odd pieces
Second Layer: Second Color

Layer of Green Squash topped with onion
Second Layer: Top with Green Onions

Layer of Yellow Squash topped with onion
Third Layer: Top with Green Onions

Top Layer of Green Squash Nicely arranged
Fourth Layer: Equal Slices Carefully Arranged

Parmesan Cheese, Butter, and Paprika on Squash
Top Layer: Cheese, Butter, and Seasoning

Leftovers Remaining in Casserole
Leftovers: Cut a Slice, Microwave, and Enjoy!

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